

What are they used for?

The storage battery collects the surplus energy produced by the system during the day, putting it into service when it is most needed. With a residential storage system you can reach up to 90% self-sufficiency and manage your energy intelligently.

We are Sonnen approved installers

Batteria Sonnen per fotovoltaico casa
Batteria Sonnen per fotovoltaico casa
Batteria Sonnen per fotovoltaico casa

Accumulation Systems for industry

Accumulation Systems for industries follow the typical function of domestic systems. The installation of an accumulation system makes it possible to reduce the withdrawal of energy from the electricity grid by increasing the percentage of self-consumption of the photovoltaic and reducing the weight of energy costs on the gross margins of the company.

Do you already have a photovoltaic system but no storage battery?

Don’t waste the energy you produce!
Install a Accumulation System, you can do it later too!